BCH709 Introduction to Bioinformatics: 9_Transcriptome Assembly


conda activate transcriptome_assembly
cd /data/gpfs/assoc/bch709-1/<YOURID>/rnaseq_assembly/


mkdir DEG && cd DEG
nano abundance.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=<JOB_NAME>
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=15:00
#SBATCH --mem=12g
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
#SBATCH --mail-type=fail
#SBATCH --mail-user=<YOUR ID>@nevada.unr.edu
#SBATCH --account=cpu-s2-bch709-1 
#SBATCH --partition=cpu-s2-core-0

abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl  --est_method RSEM --gene_trans_map none --name_sample_by_basedir  --cross_sample_norm TMM ../WT_REP1/RSEM.isoforms.results ../WT_REP2/RSEM.isoforms.results ../WT_REP3/RSEM.isoforms.results   ../DT_REP1/RSEM.isoforms.results ../DT_REP2/RSEM.isoforms.results ../DT_REP3/RSEM.isoforms.results
sbatch abundance.sh


PtR (Quality Check Your Samples and Biological Replicates)

Once you’ve performed transcript quantification for each of your biological replicates, it’s good to examine the data to ensure that your biological replicates are well correlated, and also to investigate relationships among your samples. If there are any obvious discrepancies among your sample and replicate relationships such as due to accidental mis-labeling of sample replicates, or strong outliers or batch effects, you’ll want to identify them before proceeding to subsequent data analyses (such as differential expression).

We have some conflicts in transcriptome_assembly environment
Please reinstall environment with below insteuction
Thanks Cassandra and Sophia

conda deactive transcriptome_assembly

conda env remove -n transcriptome_assembly

conda create -n transcriptome_assembly python=3.6

conda activate transcriptome_assembly

conda install -y -c anaconda boost=1.64

conda install -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge salmon=0.9.1

conda install -y -c bioconda samtools openssl=1.0 bowtie2 bowtie

conda install -y -c r -c bioconda  r-base=3.5.1 icu=58.2

conda install -y  -c conda-forge -c bioconda  bioconductor-ctc  bioconductor-deseq2=1.20.0 bioconductor-edger=3.26.0 bioconductor-biobase=2.40.0  bioconductor-qvalue=2.16.0 r-ape  r-gplots   r-fastcluster=1.1.25

conda install -c bioconda trinity

conda install -c conda-forge libiconv

cut -f 1,2 ../sample.txt >> samples_ptr.txt

nano ptr.sh

#SBATCH --job-name=<JOB_NAME>
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=15:00
#SBATCH --mem=12g
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
#SBATCH --mail-type=fail
#SBATCH --mail-user=<YOUR ID>@nevada.unr.edu
#SBATCH --account=cpu-s2-bch709-1 
#SBATCH --partition=cpu-s2-core-0

PtR  --matrix RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix --samples samples_ptr.txt --CPM --log2 --min_rowSums 10  --compare_replicates

PtR  --matrix RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix --samples samples_ptr.txt --CPM  --log2 --min_rowSums 10   --sample_cor_matrix

PtR  --matrix RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix --samples samples_ptr.txt --CPM  --log2 --min_rowSums 10   --center_rows --prin_comp 3

Please transfer results to your local computer

DEG calculation

nano deseq.sh

#SBATCH --job-name=<JOB_NAME>
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=15:00
#SBATCH --mem=12g
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
#SBATCH --mail-type=fail
#SBATCH --mail-user=<YOUR ID>@nevada.unr.edu
#SBATCH --account=cpu-s2-bch709-1 
#SBATCH --partition=cpu-s2-core-0

run_DE_analysis.pl --matrix RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix --samples_file samples_ptr.txt --method DESeq2 
nano edgeR.sh

#SBATCH --job-name=<JOB_NAME>
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --time=15:00
#SBATCH --mem=12g
#SBATCH --mail-type=begin
#SBATCH --mail-type=end
#SBATCH --mail-type=fail
#SBATCH --mail-user=<YOUR ID>@nevada.unr.edu
#SBATCH --account=cpu-s2-bch709-1 
#SBATCH --partition=cpu-s2-core-0

run_DE_analysis.pl --matrix RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix --samples_file samples_ptr.txt --method edgeR
cd DESeq2.XXXXX.dir
analyze_diff_expr.pl --matrix ../RSEM.isoform.TMM.EXPR.matrix  -P 0.001 -C 1  --samples ../samples_ptr.txt
wc -l RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix.DT_vs_WT.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C1.DE.subset
cd ../

cd edgeR.XXXXX.dir
analyze_diff_expr.pl --matrix ../RSEM.isoform.TMM.EXPR.matrix  -P 0.001 -C 1  --samples ../samples_ptr.txt
wc -l RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix.DT_vs_WT.edgeR.DE_results.P0.001_C1.DE.subset

DESeq2 vs EdgeR Normalization method

DESeq and EdgeR are very similar and both assume that no genes are differentially expressed. DEseq uses a “geometric” normalisation strategy, whereas EdgeR is a weighted mean of log ratios-based method. Both normalise data initially via the calculation of size / normalisation factors.


DESeq: This normalization method is included in the DESeq Bioconductor package (version 1.6.0) and is based on the hypothesis that most genes are not DE. A DESeq scaling factor for a given lane is computed as the median of the ratio, for each gene, of its read count over its geometric mean across all lanes. The underlying idea is that non-DE genes should have similar read counts across samples, leading to a ratio of 1. Assuming most genes are not DE, the median of this ratio for the lane provides an estimate of the correction factor that should be applied to all read counts of this lane to fulfill the hypothesis. By calling the estimateSizeFactors() and sizeFactors() functions in the DESeq Bioconductor package, this factor is computed for each lane, and raw read counts are divided by the factor associated with their sequencing lane.


Trimmed Mean of M-values (TMM): This normalization method is implemented in the edgeR Bioconductor package (version 2.4.0). It is also based on the hypothesis that most genes are not DE. The TMM factor is computed for each lane, with one lane being considered as a reference sample and the others as test samples. For each test sample, TMM is computed as the weighted mean of log ratios between this test and the reference, after exclusion of the most expressed genes and the genes with the largest log ratios. According to the hypothesis of low DE, this TMM should be close to 1. If it is not, its value provides an estimate of the correction factor that must be applied to the library sizes (and not the raw counts) in order to fulfill the hypothesis. The calcNormFactors() function in the edgeR Bioconductor package provides these scaling factors. To obtain normalized read counts, these normalization factors are re-scaled by the mean of the normalized library sizes. Normalized read counts are obtained by dividing raw read counts by these re-scaled normalization factors.

DESeq2 vs EdgeR Statistical tests for differential expression


DESeq2 uses raw counts, rather than normalized count data, and models the normalization to fit the counts within a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) of the negative binomial family with a logarithmic link. Statistical tests are then performed to assess differential expression, if any.


Data are normalized to account for sample size differences and variance among samples. The normalized count data are used to estimate per-gene fold changes and to perform statistical tests of whether each gene is likely to be differentially expressed.
EdgeR uses an exact test under a negative binomial distribution (Robinson and Smyth, 2008). The statistical test is related to Fisher’s exact test, though Fisher uses a different distribution.

Negative binormal


ϕ was assumed to be a function of μ determined by nonparametric regression. The recent version used in this paper follows a more versatile procedure. Firstly, for each transcript, an estimate of the dispersion is made, presumably using maximum likelihood. Secondly, the estimated dispersions for all transcripts are fitted to the functional form:
ϕ=a+bμ(DESeq parametric fit), using a gamma-family generalised linear model (Using regression)


edgeR recommends a “tagwise dispersion” function, which estimates the dispersion on a gene-by-gene basis, and implements an empirical Bayes strategy for squeezing the estimated dispersions towards the common dispersion. Under the default setting, the degree of squeezing is adjusted to suit the number of biological replicates within each condition: more biological replicates will need to borrow less information from the complete set of transcripts and require less squeezing.

DEG software comparison paper

** DEseq uses a “geometric” normalisation strategy, whereas EdgeR is a weighted mean of log ratios-based method. Both normalise data initially via the calculation of size / normalisation factors **

Draw Venn Diagram

conda deactivate
conda create -n venn python=3.6  
conda activate venn  
conda install -c bioconda  bedtools intervene pybedtools pandas seaborn -y  
conda install -c r r-UpSetR=1.4.0 r-corrplot r-Cairo -y  

cd ../
# /data/gpfs/assoc/bch709-1/wyim/rnaseq_slurm/DEG
mkdir Venn 
cd Venn

cut -f 1 ../DESeq2.#####.dir/RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix.DT_vs_WT.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C1.DT-UP.subset  | grep -v sample > DESeq.UP.subset
cut -f 1 ../DESeq2.####.dir/RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix.DT_vs_WT.DESeq2.DE_results.P0.001_C1.WT-UP.subset  | grep -v sample > DESeq.DOWN.subset

cut -f 1 ../edgeR.####.dir/RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix.DT_vs_WT.edgeR.DE_results.P0.001_C1.DT-UP.subset   | grep -v sample > edgeR.UP.subset
cut -f 1 ../edgeR.####.dir/RSEM.isoform.counts.matrix.DT_vs_WT.edgeR.DE_results.P0.001_C1.WT-UP.subset   | grep -v sample > edgeR.DOWN.subset

### Drawing
intervene venn -i DESeq.DOWN.subset DESeq.UP.subset edgeR.DOWN.subset edgeR.UP.subset  --type list --save-overlaps
intervene upset -i DESeq.DOWN.subset DESeq.UP.subset edgeR.DOWN.subset edgeR.UP.subset  --type list --save-overlaps
intervene pairwise  -i DESeq.DOWN.subset DESeq.UP.subset edgeR.DOWN.subset edgeR.UP.subset  --type list


Upload all pdf file from DEG analaysis, three Venn diagram, Upset and Pairwise figure files to Webcampus